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發(fā)布時間:2016-02-25 15:51 來源:互聯(lián)網(wǎng)


  When instant-fail states are thrown into the mix, however, these beautiful stealth portions are reduced to trial-and-error style of gameplay that cripples many of ACC: Russia’s best segments. Frequently, there’s no clear indication of how to sneak past certain guards, and I was forced to adopt a method of purposely failing missions in different ways to eliminate things that didn’t work, hoping to stumble across the right path. In the end, each stealth encounter felt like a poorly designed puzzle without clues, and that robbed me of much of the joy and vindication that I would feel finishing a particularly difficult or perplexing segment in most other games.



  Wasted Youth


  Both combat and stealth missions are improved upon by the second playable character, the young Duchess Anastasia Romanova. Not unlike Assassin’s Creed Syndicate’s Evie Frye, Anastasia is an instantly more likeable character, and after an encounter with a Piece of Eden, Anastasia learns the ways of the Assassins. Her skill set offers more variety than Nikolai’s, despite having fewer weapons at her disposal.

  戰(zhàn)斗和潛行任務(wù)都在第二個可玩角色——年輕的公爵夫人Anastasia Romanova身上有所提升。不像《刺客信條:梟雄》中的伊薇弗萊,Anastasia是個會讓人“一見鐘情”的角色,在一次與伊甸碎片一同出現(xiàn)的遭遇中,Anastasia學(xué)會了刺客之道。她的技巧設(shè)定與Nikolai相比提供了更多的變數(shù),盡管在使用她的過程中擁有的武器更少。

  What sets her apart is her Helix abilities. These skills are rooted in Assassin’s Creed lore and allow Anastasia to phase unseen between hiding spots, and to erase the bodies of her foes from time and space. She can move through areas much more fluidly, and late-game missions see you switching between to the two characters to solve puzzles and open doors for each other. These are by far the best missions in ACC: Russia, and are disappointingly few and far between.


  【Neither character can salvage any joy from the overly difficult, repetitive, and infuriating endless runner segments, 】though. These missions, while beautiful to look at, represent the worst that ACC: Russia has to offer. They take what could have been a series of exciting platforming challenges and ruin them with poor mechanics and insane difficulty spikes.


  What’s frustrating here is the lack of direction in these sequences. You’re usually being pursued by something, like a series of explosions, or a tank that moves faster than your character, so you’re constantly trying to stay one step ahead while leaping and ducking obstacles. Over and over I found myself running to the same spot with no indication of where to go next, only to be run over or blown up and do it all again.


  The controls also seem to go haywire in these segments. Whether it’s a result of the speed or perspective, it seemed like a jump or hiding spot that worked on the first four attempts led to instant deaths on the fifth and sixth runs, only to inexplicably work flawlessly on the seventh. It repeatedly undermines the pace and rhythm that could have made these segments great.



  The Verdict


  Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: Russia disappoints on multiple levels, from a flat main character to unintuitive insta-fail stealth levels to clumsy combat and platforming. The few times it nails it with diorama-like puzzles and Helix powers only serve to make the rest of this side-scrolling spinoff look even worse by comparison.


IGN 9分以上作品 愿者上鉤釣魚的那點趣事 深冬之寒,來一起看看游戲中精美的雪景吧