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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2016-02-25 15:51 來源:互聯(lián)網(wǎng)




  Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: Russia is a dichotomous affair from the outset. This side-scrolling stealth game is very clearly an Assassin’s Creed game in more than just name, but it lacks much of what works well in the full-fledged entries in the series and manages to retain much of what doesn’t.


  ACC: Russia arrives devoid of any compelling characters, and repeatedly subjects you to tedious trial-and-error missions. There are moments when it truly shines, but those are quickly eclipsed by uneven mechanics, instant fail-states, and bland level design.



  Modern History


  The story is less interested in the October Revolution of 1918, and more on our hero Nikolai Orev’s attempts to flee Russia and start a new life outside the order with his family. He falls squarely into the “grizzled veteran” archetype, and instead of delivering a politically charged story rooted in one of the most interesting historical uprisings, you’re simply charged with seeing him through his last mission and recovering a Piece of Eden before the Templars do, just like in every Assassin’s Creed game before it.

  這個(gè)故事在1918年的十月革命方面并不讓人感興趣,倒是我們的英雄Nikolai Orev做出的離開俄羅斯并在教團(tuán)之外與他的家人開始新生活的嘗試更讓人感冒。他很快現(xiàn)出“灰發(fā)老兵”的原型,而不是在扎根于一段有趣的歷史上升期中創(chuàng)造一個(gè)令人血脈噴張的故事,你僅僅會(huì)在看見他通過上個(gè)任務(wù)在圣殿騎士之前得到伊甸碎片感到興奮,就像之前每個(gè)《刺客信條》游戲一樣。

  Russia wastes no time in introducing you to its numerous ways to fail a mission. Firstly, 【despite being a Master Assassin, Nikolai has very little health and he’s not worth much in a fight. 】As a stealth game, combat is supposed to take a back seat to sneaking and hiding, but even when you’re spotted and must engage enemies head on, you’ve only got one chance to get it right. Regardless of whether enemies are swinging swords, pounding him with clubs, or shooting him with rifles from afar, Nikolai can only withstand one or occasionally two hits before you’re staring at the loading screen.


  This makes taking on multiple enemies exponentially more difficult. You’ll regularly find yourself with your back turned to one enemy while engaging another. To be fair, a dodge mechanic occasionally saved me from a bullet when I least expected it, but it was clumsy, and only worked half of the time. As the game progressed, I found myself worrying less about blocking and dodging, and mostly trying to brute-force my way through combat segments, as attacking seems more reliable than any defensive maneuvers.


  So don’t get spotted, right? Unfortunately, the stealth segments aren’t particularly wonderful either. Most missions are focused on a sneaking segment and, to be fair, there are sometimes genuinely clever and engaging ones. It’s admittedly impressive just how much of the traditional Assassins’ skill set developer Climax Studios was able to cram into the structure of a 2D platformer. You can hide behind or inside of objects, stash bodies, and distract guards using guns, smoke bombs and and an electrified grappling hook. Each area is laid out almost like a diorama, you can survey the scene around you and plan accordingly to try and reach your objective as efficiently as possible.

  所以說,不要被發(fā)現(xiàn),對(duì)吧?不幸的是,潛行部分也不盡人意。大多數(shù)任務(wù)都注重潛行部分,說實(shí)話,很多時(shí)候只與一個(gè)敵人接觸這點(diǎn)很聰明。開發(fā)者Climax Studios把傳統(tǒng)的刺客技巧設(shè)定勉強(qiáng)塞入這款2D平臺(tái)游戲的程度是公認(rèn)的令人印象深刻。你可以躲藏在各種物體的后面或者里面,藏匿尸體,用槍分散警衛(wèi)的注意力,用煙霧彈或者充電的抓鉤。每個(gè)地區(qū)都像是一幅透視畫,你可以四處調(diào)查場(chǎng)景并且以此策劃來盡可能地到達(dá)你的目的地。

  And the backdrops are occasionally gorgeous to look at. The war-torn buildings and gilded palaces of Moscow look like something out of a watercolor pop-up book, and the art team should be applauded for their clever use of backdrops that recall the iconic propaganda of the era.


IGN 9分以上作品 愿者上鉤釣魚的那點(diǎn)趣事 深冬之寒,來一起看看游戲中精美的雪景吧