發(fā)布時間:2015-01-23 16:37 來源:互聯(lián)網
收起燈神- Djinn | 通法燈神- Djinn Channeler | ||
Djinns are humanoidspirits from the Plane of Magic,and are considered to bereflections of the power andbrilliance of Sar-Elam.Depending on where, when,and how the Djinn is evoked, itmay have a male or a female form. 燈神是來自于魔法位面的人形靈體,他們常常被認為是薩-艾朗的力量與睿智的體現(xiàn)。由于召喚的時間、地點與方式的不同,燈神可具有不同性別的外貌。 |
Djinn Channelers arevaluable allies for the Wizards,as their mystical knowledgeand natural affinity for thecurrents of magic can stronglyinfluence the scope of a Wizard’sabilities, but also cause nastymagical effects to the Wizard’s enemies. 通法燈神是法師們最有價值的盟友,它們掌握的神秘知識以及其對魔力流動的天生親和,可以有效地增強法師技能的射程,同時還能對法師的敵人們造成有害的魔法效果。 |
卡斯帕的點評- Kaspar`s Comment | |||
There are conflicting accounts regarding Sar-Elam’sgender. The fact that Djinns can be either male or femaleperpetuates this ambiguity. 說到薩-艾朗的性別,那是眾說紛紜。燈神亦男亦女的事實更讓真相撲朔迷離。 |
To exist on the material plane Djinns are oftenbound to an object, such as a gem, ring, or lamp. When Iwas a Disciple, we used to joke that our Master Astralwas hiding a Djinn in his turban. Amazingly, it turnedout to be true! 燈神需要依附于某個物體,比如說一顆寶石,一個戒指,或是一盞神燈,才能在物質界顯形。我以前還是門徒的時候,經常和一群人開玩笑說我們尊師艾斯卻爾的頭巾里藏了個燈神。結果還真被我們說中了! |
兵種能力 | |||
http://www.gamersky.com/showimage/id_gamersky_04.shtml?http://img1.gamersky.com/image2015/01/20150123xdj_9/gamersky_04origin_07_201512314357E3.jpg | 魔力吸取- Mana Drain | ||
Djinns are able to drain mana from their enemies, and channel it to their master, avaluable power for wizards. 燈神能從敵方汲取法術力并導向他們的主人,對法師們來說十分有價值的能力。 |
http://www.gamersky.com/showimage/id_gamersky_03.shtml?http://img1.gamersky.com/image2015/01/20150123xdj_9/gamersky_03origin_05_2015123143521F.jpg | 源系免疫- Immune to Prime | ||
Djinns being pure primordial spirits, they are immune to Prime Magic. 燈神作為純凈的源系靈體,他們免疫源系魔法。 |
http://www.gamersky.com/showimage/id_gamersky_02.shtml?http://img1.gamersky.com/image2015/01/20150123xdj_9/gamersky_02origin_03_20151231435C6A.jpg | 魔法之觸- Magic Touch - (僅升級) | ||
The Djinn Channeler’s touch is so magical that it triggers random magical effects ontheir targets, making them more susceptible to further spells or magical attacks. 通法燈神的魔法之觸是如此神奇,可以對它們的目標釋放隨機魔法效果,使之更容易受接下來的法術或者魔法攻擊的傷害。 |
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