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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2020-09-22 10:12 來(lái)源:bilibili  作者:MarcNEO18慎重特工   編輯:潘東子



Title Update 11 introduces the new PvE game mode The Summit for free to all owners of the Warlords of New York expansion. The Summit brings agents to a skyscraper occupied by hostile factions, and as you progress towards the top the difficulty gradually will increase, and you will start seeing more ruthless enemies standing in your way. The Summit is designed to be highly replayable and also meant to offer a challenge to everybody, from our most dedicated agents to our newer agents. Floors will be different each time you fight your way through the building, as floors are randomly selected from a number of preset designs and gets populated by random AI spawns.

TU11 將為持有紐約軍閥玩家免費(fèi)提高全新高峰大廈新PVE模式,爬樓最高有100層,越高難度越高。本次模式是極具挑戰(zhàn)和耐玩性,每一層都是隨機(jī)生成地圖

Progression throughout the floors is saved at specific rally points, and players can leave and jump back in where they left off without losing their progress. The total time to reach floor 100, and thus unlock all the difficulties, can vary greatly depending on the players skills and equipment as well as their team configuration


· Highly replayable PvE game mode 極高耐玩度 pve 模式

· 100 floors to fight your way through 100層等級(jí)挑戰(zhàn)

· Checkpoint system 檢查站

· Unique rewards 獨(dú)特獎(jiǎng)勵(lì)

Based on PTS feedback, we have made the below improvements for the release of Title Update 11, but work to bring the mode closer to our vision for the mode has already begun for the interim Title Update 11.1 and beyond.

根據(jù)之前PTS測(cè)試我們會(huì)對(duì)TU11 正式服 進(jìn)行以為改版,官方TU11.1都已經(jīng)在改進(jìn)日程上了

· Added greater variety and diversity in objective types as you progress through The Summit.

· 提升隨機(jī)多樣性

· Changed the Hostage revive timer to be longer, giving more leeway to reach them before the objective fails.

· 將人質(zhì)恢復(fù)計(jì)時(shí)器更改為更長(zhǎng)的時(shí)間,從而在目標(biāo)失敗之前有更多的回旋余地

· Increased the radius of the hack zone for EMP objectives.

· 增加了用于EMP目標(biāo)的黑客區(qū)的半徑

· Increased the amount of loot caches scattered around the building, which contents scale with difficulty.

· 增加了散布在建筑物周圍的戰(zhàn)利品緩存的數(shù)量,其內(nèi)容難以擴(kuò)展。

· Reduced number of directives on Legendary Floors 91-100. Now has 3 random directives (previously had 4).

· 減少傳奇樓層91-100上的政令數(shù)量。 現(xiàn)在有3個(gè)隨機(jī)指令(以前有4個(gè))

· We saw the PTS feedback about this and those who prefer the tougher difficulties will not need to grind through the first 50 floors if they don't want to.

· 我們看到了PTS對(duì)此的反饋,大家更喜歡較高難度起步點(diǎn)

· We are by default unlocking Rally Points up to 51 (this is the start of Heroic floors)


· In addition to the new objectives added in PTS Phase 2, there are a couple more coming for TU11

· 除了PTS第二階段中添加的新目標(biāo)之外,TU11還有更多其他目標(biāo)

· Adjusted frequency of certain objective types based on PTS data/feedback

· Tuned Drone Ambush objective

· Rogue Agent Encounters will be able to occur on Legendary Summit floors (still disabled for DC Strongholds)

· 叛變特工仍然是會(huì)隨機(jī)出傳奇難度下

· Added exotic fireteams for Legendary (so occasionally you will see some unusual and challenging

· 傳奇難度下會(huì)出現(xiàn)更多隨機(jī)高難度挑戰(zhàn)

· combinations of certain enemy types)

· Crew Ambush will no longer occur on Legendary floors

· 傳奇樓層不再發(fā)生伏擊伏擊

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